Fleece blankets

I really, really like my fleece blankets. I have one for the couch that keeps me warm when my husband:

  • has the windows open because it's cool outside
  • has the air conditioning on because it's warm outside
  • thinks the inside temperature of our condo should resemble a walk-in cooler

I also have another fleece blanket for bed -- allowing me to sleep in my own personal zone of warmth.

A few nights ago I was up late, reading online, with couch blanket wrapped around me. Then I went to bed, and almost walked in to the bedroom with couch blanket. Oh no! By now, couch blanket and bed blanket must be sworn enemies. I had visions of a blanket-anti-blanket explosion. Isn't this the kind of thing that happens on Star Trek? I'm lucky I didn't open the door; I'm fresh out of dilithium crystals.


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